Thursday 5 January 2023


Hi! I'm Ken (Fotog) Ferguson 

      And I live at . . .
Tin Can Bay/Cooloola Cove

Thanks for visiting!

For information on my outdoor photo workshops/tours, simply go to the sidebar and click on the links provided for "MY PAGES"

And you can use the "CONTACT FORM" to request a booking

or just to simply ask a question.

I look forward to hopefully meeting you one day, Cheers!


Both my wife and I are fully vaccinated and keep up with follow-up boosters.

At present, in Tin Can Bay, and in fact, throughout the Cooloola Coast region, there are no special restrictions, but you may wear a mask if you deem it necessary.

And keep a mask handy, as some other businesses in town may require one to be worn.

Back to home page

or go to page 2

(About my Photo Workshops)

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